Thursday, November 4, 2010

So I am gonna try something a little different with this blog. It dawned on me today that I blog a lot about the little things in life. In fact, that is typically what inspires a blog out of me, something little happens and I notice it and think "Shit, this could make a cool blog!".
So what I want to try and do is make that the theme of this blog. Now don't get me wrong, there will be days I need to bitch about the state of the world and the idiots that live in it and really at that point you need to just get out of my way and let me go. But in this crappy world where people can't be who they wanna be or love who they wanna love. Where the scariest movies are the ones that could actually happen and where people are torn apart by needless, judgemental bullshit. I need a little bit of the little things in my here goes...again.
Booze. Let's talk about booze. Now, I'm a drinker, not afraid to say it. My husband's a drinker. My dog has been known to lick a little champagne out of my glass. We don't get hammered and puke everywhere...we just like our cocktails.
It took me a long time to figure out what I like to drink. I am convinced most people who drink spend the majority of their 20's figuring out "their drink". Here's how my journey went..
I spent my underage years trying to impress boys by drinking the cheap beer they brought to parties. I didn't figure out that beer could actually taste good until I was about 27.
Once I could legally order a drink I was over beer and wanted something that "tasted good"...Amaretto Sours". Oh the years I spent drinking amaretto sours, the thought makes me shudder.
There was that summer where all I drank was Cafe Zinfandel...if you don't know, don't ask.
Then I started really honing.
I liked wine, I knew that. I liked champagne (you couldn't grow up in my family and not). I ordered a martini once to be cool. Martinis are a funny thing. I mean, come on, it's just vodka (or gin). I think people who can drink a straight up martini are badass. Most folks I know like to mess with them a little...add some cranberry here, a little chocolate there. Me? Put all the olive juice you can find in it. I like them dirty. Not because it sounds cool but really, I love salt!
As I age I really do pick and choose what I want to drink. I only drink dark beers for the most part. Dry red wine, crisp white. And the occasional cocktail which changes like my hair color.
For a long time it was Jack and coke and then Jack and diet coke, the dirty martini of course and last summer was the "skinny girl margarita" which is essentially tequila.
Lately though it's been bourbon. Maker's Mark (or the cheaper Early Times) Mint Julep bourbon. It's smooth, a little sweet and just plain fabulous.
So Sara, what about this blog screams "the little things in life"? Let me tell you.
Today, this rainy yucky day, after cleaning, working and cooking, I decided to do a little something for me. I ran a bath and poured a fucking bourbon.
That's right! I took a late afternoon bath with a big old bourbon. And I loved it.

1 comment:

Bella Spills said...

I've recently decided that I like Scotch. It will never replace wine, and I have yet to buy a bottle to keep in the house, but yeah... a real nice scotch.

I, for one, am also known for imbibing while bathing. You go, girl.