Spring has sprung...well sort of. The last 2 days have been gorgeous and frankly, I can't go back. I had forgotten how to be warm! Last night while walking the dog, we needed nothing more than a fleece on!
This is the type of weather I hate, the in between. I am aware of how fickle mother nature can be and that quite possibly by tomorrow morning we could be covered in snow. But for today I am sitting in my living room with the sliding door open with a long sleeved tee on...and I can't go back. The dog is laying out on the porch! I need it to get no colder than 50 degrees from here on out.
Yes...I know it's February. But come on! Please! We have all been covered in snow and dirt and gray for far too long. We need a little sunshine...WARM sunshine. I need to sit on my porch again. I need to drive with the windows down again! I want to wear sandals!
That is all for now, Spring. But we will chat again.