OK, so I can hardly type because I'm pretty sure that I've developed rhumetoid arthritis from all of the shoveling. Here is what's happening.
It's the apocalypse....SNOW-pocalypse. Or as the President of the United States put it...SNOW-mageddon!
Dear lord. I will never make fun of Marylanders and their Chicken Little weather freak outs again I swear, just please stop with the snow!
I have already missed a day and a half of work and I will miss work tomorrow. The cabin fever is making me insane and broke...and an alcoholic! My whole body hurts from shoveling and I'm going to kill someone!
In case you live under a rock...or somewhere where life is warm and beautiful and you don't give a crap about the rest of the world, the D.C. metro area got some snow this weekend. In fact, we got almost 2 and 1/2 feet of fricking snow! The entire state of Maryland has shut down. It started on Friday morning, we had a blizzard warning all of Saturday and finally at about 5 ish Saturday evening, after 30 straight hours (!) the goddamn snow stopped.
It is now Sunday late afternoon and we are finally able to get out of our driveway after hours of shoveling. Except we can't go anywhere because there is a DRIVING BAN in Annapolis!
All that being said, we never lost power, I made some kick ass chicken rice soup and we were smart enough to stock up on essentials.....TP, wine, beer, coffee and snacks.
So we have read a lot, taken a lot of baths, had a fire and found drinking games for some of our favorite movies. Not the worst weekend ever, I guess.
And now we're prepared for Tuesday...when another foot of snow is expected. Awesome.